Monday, June 16, 2008


I have found new homes for the new plants, in my herb garden.

I need to put hay underneath the plants, if the strawberries touch the soil then they go mouldy - the nice girl on Columbia Road Market told me.

I'm also hoping the nice strawberry plant overlooking Brick Lane is doing well

Chillies - Round Two

I have planted 4 more of each of the 6 types I have.

The packet says I should wait approx 80 days til they grow...I am waiting patiently.

I have put them in a propegator to keep them away from the birds.


A handful of beans!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

News from Sarah, Dublin

News reached me this morning of something called a 'weed blanket'

sarah: its like this membrane material and its black and you lie it on the soil and no weeds can can cut into it so that ur plants can be pulled through....its pretty cool, nothing grows through it at all its amazing!

Thank you kind Sarah!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Chilli plants in pots


A sad day - the 6 varieties which had emerged from the soil, in pots, were eaten by birds! I had tried to cover them with chicken wire but something got in and feasted on them all. I will have to plant them again and cover them up better, or keep them indoors until stronger.

Weekend Work

Attendees on Saturday - Liz, Annabel & Chris
Attendance on Sunday - Chris & Liz


Weeds-everywhere! Annabel did an amazing job clearing out weeds from around the leeks- it looked like she's been on it with a weed hoover. Chris and I just went around picking from everywhere...'tis a very tough task indeed and I will make sure they're never left too long again to take over.

Weather was lovely - dry and sunny. Went for a well earned pint after managing to find a home for the strawberry plant in my herb garden and planting the cabbages from Annika.


Went to water everything as there was no rain yesterday and it looked like another dry day today. Chris watered, I weeded around the artichokes to give them more room for growth! I couldn't tell if there were any sprouting broccoli survivors amongst the weeds but I left a few paler coloured leaves in the ground.